
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The Wake Forest mentality is a funny thing to me. I try very hard not to get caught up in it and let grades rule my life, but I often do. I, of course, want to make good grades and succeed, but some people take it to the extreme. My roommates stress themselves out an insane amount and maybe it's because of them that I feel this year I have gotten worse, maybe it's because i'm deep into my major classes and obviously you want to do good in your major classes, maybe it's because I care more....I'm not really sure, but I do know when I just saw I got a 100% on my semester long project I could have cried and jumped about ten feet high. It's amazing how in that one split second I went from being down and ready to just go home to super excited about life.

Do I think this is healthy? Not at all, we can't let our lives be centered around grades. I honestly believe the pressure we're under these days is one of the reasons why suicide is so prevalent, why we have crappy days if we make a B on a paper or exam, I mean come on a B is a good grade (it always angers me when someone says oh man I got an 86...seriously?)....

Anyways, for now I will bask in the joy of my 100% and be content with how my hard work paid off!

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