
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


As I sit back and reflect on the past semester so much has happened and changed in my life. These past four months have honestly been the biggest roller coaster I think God has ever taking me on, and you know what, I'm grateful for every last tear, laugh, angry thought, disappointment, moment of joy that He has given me. I'm just gonna jot down a few of them here!

1. Intervarsity Leadership Retreat- Probably my second favorite weekend of the semester. It really was a fresh start to the school year and helped me clear my mind and really get into the right spot for where I needed to be spiritually. I'm not sure why, but for some reason every time we have an IV event we somehow end up breaking out into song, in particularly, "I Want it That Way" by BSB. Who knows, we also had some precious t.swift/katy perry sing along time with chuckles and luke. This was just the stepping block to initiate some amazing friendships I have gained and that have really grown this semester.

2. Intervarsity Beach Retreat- BY FAR THE BEST PART OF THE SEMESTER. This weekend was simply the best despite the fact that it started off with us getting creeped on by a rando truck following us all the way from Raleigh to the beach...those are some serious stalking skills or a serious coincidence that we were both headed the same exact place. Anyways, singing worship songs on a sunday morning on the beach...there's just something about that that just makes you want to say God, Thank You for this world and these people that I am here with. Also chapter time is always a highlight for me. It makes you so vulnerable, and I'm not one to really open to a lot of people. I mainly just lose it to Anna and Katy so there's something really freeing about that. The rave was also a huge success and a great way to have a little fun!

3. The loss of my sweet great grandfather- At the beach I got a text from my cousin telling me to tell my dad that he needed to call the hospital because my great grandfather was not doing well. I knew he had been in the hospital for pneumonia, but I didn't really think pneumonia was that serious, so that really scared me and distracted me a bit from what I should've been focused on. The Sunday I got home from the beach, I was exhausted and had an exam the next day so Harrison rode with me I got to see him, for me that was the last time. He did not wake up, but it gave me so much peace when I got the call three days later that he had passed. Harrison was a huge blessing to me during this time, he came to both the funeral home and the funeral and really encouraged me and showed me he loved me through my loss.

4. Guy's Night- I feel like Katy and I worked on this thing for like a million years, but our jumbled down ideas from a random night in July came to life on November 19! It was such a huge success, and all the guys seemed to really enjoy everything and they told us they really felt loved and appreciated which is all that matters!!!

5. My small group- I was blessed with the amazing task and huge responsibility of being a small group leader this year. The first week we met we had 21 girls! However, we've leveled off to about 10-15. These girls are such a huge inspiration to me, and I really have enjoyed making so many new friends that I would have never known if God had not allowed me to do this task. Obviously, I know God knew all along the impact and what the girls needed, but I had no ideal how many lessons I would be taught by my girls.

6. Harrison- He gets his own number, because he's just that special. I'm pretty sure since August 9 probably before then actually, Harrison and I have not gone a week without seeing each other. Quite honestly, the thought makes me hurt inside. He has become like my other half, we feed off of each other, we care about each other, we love to just be with each other and just lay down and watch talking necessary just the presence. I honestly don't know if Harrison is the guy I'm going to marry if I'm ever going to get married, and he does not know if I'm the girl...only God knows that. But I sure hope he is in my life for a long time. I mean, we've known each other and been friends since eighth grade so that's a pretty substantial amount of time. I hope that whatever happens, whether he is a season in my life or a permanent fixture, he always stays my friend. I will always love him with a special love, that no other guy will get from me. I never knew someone could make me this happy, and I'm just loving and enjoying every minute of my "Harry" time.

So yeah, that's a wrap for all of my semester stuff, there were many more! At the beginning of the post are some pictures from the semester!!!!

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