
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sweet Summertime Update

This Summer has been nonstop physically and emotionally. This is a long update so here it goes...

1. Rockbridge was really great. I got to spend some time with girls that are younger and I am really glad I chose to do this because I learned so much from our talks and time together. Some people are such blessings in my life and it saddens me that I only have one more year with them.

2. My internship is quite amazing. So far I have gotten to be on screen, film, set up scenes, and meet some really awesome people! Our website is (if you go under the keep watching tab as of right now one of my spots is the first link). This is internship has been truly a blessing with all i've had going on at home God certainly knew what he was doing by placing me here.

3. Anna C. is now Anna S!!!! Her wedding was so beautiful and yet very stressful. The electricity in the whole area of the county went out right as her mom was about to be seated (it was a perfectly sunny day). But the ceremony felt so intimate and special that I think she secretly didn't hate it now. On that note all of her pre wedding festivities: bachelorette party, helping her with stuff for the wedding, pre wedding tan time was so so special to me. For some reason I was especially sentimental for this one and I really pray God blesses her and Kev's relationship!

4. I had a physical (eww) which led my doctor to recommend I go see a nephrologist at Duke. Let me tell you I do not think I have ever prayed and relied on God as much as I did the week before my appointment. The day before Harrison and I prayed quite a few times together for God to heal my body and keep me safe the next day. Praise God everything is ok for right now, but int he future I may have to have more tests done so please keep me in your prayers.

5. Anna G. has decided that instead of 2013 to get married she wants to get married this year on July 9...oh and she decided this like the beginning of June. Needless to say this has been a whirlwind month trying to keep her happy and help her out as much as possible.

6. My time with my family has been so amazing. I have gotten to spend a lot of time with my parents which has been such a blessing. No one gets you quite like your parents no matter how old you are. My memaw has also been a person I have been happy to be around. She is so witty and I am so blessed to have a 76 year old grandmother in the shape she is in.

7. I have obviously enjoyed getting to spend time with Harrison almost everyday. I do not think people that date someone that goes to their school understand how truly lucky they are to get to see their significant other everyday, and how complaining about not seeing them over the weekend can be pretty annoying for people that don't get to see them everyday. (5 out of 7 is pretty good don't you think? I do). But really I think Harrison and I have grown together so much with going to church together and to Warehouse on Saturday nights. We've gotten to have one on one talks that I will cherish forever. I am truly loved by a man so deeply that it makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

8. I'm reading the book Radical by David Platt...more to come once i'm finished....

SO that's all so far!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Showers...

Tomorrow/Today depending on when I finish this will be a hard day, probably harder than I even think it's going to be right now...

I can't believe it's been a year since I saw my sweet aunt for the last time in her earthly body. Since I heard her laugh and tell me how she was going to get the cancer back. Since she asked me about Wake and if I had a boyfriend. I could answer that now. I could tell her how much I am loved, how happy I am with him. It's been a year since she would ask about IV and events with that. Oh how I could've told her all the plans for Guys night, how I'm excited about my leadership role for next year, and how I feel God is working in my life and using me in others' lives. It's been a year since I saw her sons, my cousins. I miss them, I often think about them and yearn to hear how they are doing. So much in my life has changed in this year, so much has remained the same. I guess the anniversary of the first year is particularly difficult, all of the emotions come back that you felt last year at this time because it's also been a year since I've grieved. Since I've really thought about the loss I experienced. However, while this is sad for's been a year since she got to meet our heavenly father and be with Him in heaven. I have no doubt she is there, she loved the Lord so much and helped reach so many lives with her disease. She's experienced a years worth of heavenly days. I can't even begin to imagine the joy she has experienced in this year, but i'm here and she's there and while i'm still here I will grieve. I will not be ashamed about crying while blogging this, it's good for a girl's heart. I will not be ashamed to not be able to fully let go of all the hurt that occured in those days last year. I will mourn and know that april shower always bring may flowers, so in this time of flood, I will hold on to the promise of brighter days ahead.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Putting up v. Love

I'm going to preface this post with...if you don't like mushy stuff then don't read it.

Harrison made this statement today, and I thought it was an interesting way to look at "putting up with someone" when they may irritate you.

"I'm just saying I never have to 'put up with you' because if you love someone you're not putting up with them, but you're loving them, so in a sense neither one of us puts up with each other but we love the heck out of each other."

Pretty valid...what do you think?

Monday, February 28, 2011

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that..."

These are the words that came out of my mom's mouth when I asked how my great grandma was doing. I frequently ask about her because ever since my great grandfather passed away in September, she has been heavy on my heart. Being with someone since you were 13 and losing him at age 76 is an extreme loss. You fell in love with him, you committed your life to him, you raised a family with him, you watched your kids have kids, you watched your grand kids have kids, and then you watched your grand kids' kids have kids. You experienced the fear of losing your first born daughter to liver failure, and yet she miraculously received a transplant within 48 hours. You experienced all this, and suddenly, this person is gone. I cannot fathom how hurt and how low she must be. When I saw her earlier this month and asked her how she was, she responded, "I'm here". I then said "well that's good right?!", then she replied a simple, "I guess".

So yesterday when I asked how she was nonchalantly with Harrison by my side, and heard these words, my heart dropped. I must admit, they dropped for selfish reasons. Probably because I told myself I would try to go visit her more, but I haven't. Probably because I can't stand the thought of losing another family member---2 in one year is enough right? How could God put me through one more?

So friends/people who read my blog because they for some reason found it on my facebook page/people who don't really like me...I am begging all of you to pray. First, I would like you to pray for healing. Healing for her heart and soul, she is completely broken, missing her soul mate who has gone to be with the Lord. Healing for her health. But secondly, I ask for you to pray that whatever happens she will be happy, at peace. Pray that our heavenly Father comforts her and shows her how much He loves her. Just pray.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And I'm clinging to the promise, You're not through with me yet...

Despite the fact that I have not blogged about anything spiritually related recently, God has been showing me His knowledge of me and holding me in His loving arms.

I'm doing discipleship this semester with Katy and Allison and we are reading this amazing book by Angela Thomas called "Do you know who I am and other brave questions women ask". Every chapter is essentially a question you may find yourself asking God or needing God for. Coincidentally, every chapter has been applicable to my life the week I have read it. Coincidence? I think not.

So I wrote the top half of this post, pre Greek IV conference. So I'm just combining these two thoughts into one big blog. Also, can we notice the name of the blog (i named it before conference, clearly God is good on His promise...duh)

Can I just tell you that our God is one big, big God; and that He did some major work in Charlotte, NC this weekend. I was deeply moved by seeing 100+ Greek students learn how to be leaders, depend on God, and make God the center and focus of their lives. Here are some things that I felt God was trying to teach me:

1. I need to pray more. When I say pray I don't just mean for my sick relatives and for my future. I need to REALLY PRAY. Pray for changes I want to see happen in my life, in my friends' lives, on my campus. And not just small prayers, BIG prayers. God is not small, he is BIG. He made the world, so why should I not ask Him for BIG things?

2. I need to focus on God's plan for my life, and give all aspects of my life up to HIM. HE will be the decider of my future: not my parents, not me, not my boyfriend, not my friends. HE will be the one to lead me to the right job or internship or grad school for me. But until I allow him to have control over all assets of my life, nothing is going to happen.

3. I need to love on my sisters, friends, small group members, wake community. I need to love them and make intentional relationships with them. This will build a trust that will make them comfortable enough to come to me if they have a problem, and this could lead to opportunities for me to spread the gospel! How amazing would that be?!

So Lord, I pray that YOU will help me live out my life for YOU and only YOU post greek conference. I pray that YOU will keep that fire lit within me, and I pray that YOU will bless the wake forest campus, not just adpi, not just greek life, but our whole campus God. I pray that you will show through us Your pure and holy love that only YOU can show. I pray that YOU will use me as your servant God. Thank you for Your love, Your forgiveness, Your faith, and Your hope. Thank YOU for teaching me this weekend and for holding my hand every day God.

Praise be to YOU.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

6 months ago....

I can't believe it's been six months since I sat on the couch, watched the twins walk out the apartment, and begin to squeal with how time flies. Here is my sweet email I received on our anniversary...I'm blogging this primarily for selfish purposes, so I can always have this sweet message.

Mary Hannah Mae Bean,

I don't really know where to start or how to start this. Telling you how appreciative I am of your love just doesn't seem like enough. These past 6 months, I have experienced love, real, truthful, pure, clean love. I know I have a past and all that mess, but this is real love. A man doesn't understand the power of a womans' love. I feel sorry for all of the guys out in the world that don't get to wake up and feel how I feel. Not only do you love me, and you have my heart, but you are literally my other half. I had always heard that expression and disregarded it, but you are my other half, my everything. Hannah, I love you so much and I would do anything for us or you. You have done everything for me and I hope I do the same for you. Your family has treated me like one of their own, and I also hope mine treats you the same. You are a God send Hannah and I am truly thankful from the bottom of my heart for all you do for me, what you continue to do for me, and most inportantly, being the lucky recipient of your love. I love you so much Mary Hannah Mae Bean, I cannot wait to make our two lives become one! Happy 6 months!! Thank you for everything sweetheart!!! I love you so much!!



"You have to trust and forgive. Relationships cannot exist without trust. And just as Christ forgives, so must we forgive for all the hurts they haven't even committed yet. But you must trust."

I saw this quote on a friends blog and it really hit home. Trust, is probably my biggest flaw when it comes to my relationship. I've been hurt so much in so many different ways that the ideal and thought of trusting someone completely scares me because I do not want to be hurt again, even much more than the previous times. But this isn't really fair to him, how can I ever expect us to have a super transparent relationship without this trust?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What he wants...

"I want to have my other half in you, I already feel that I do. I want someone that takes me at my best and my worst, and you do. I want someone to be able to sit through jersey shore, basketball games, football games etc not because they love it as much as me but because they love me enough to put themselves through it, you do. I want someone who doesn't care what car I drive, how big my house is, what clothes I wear, how tall i am, you take me for me. You have a strong bond with God and I do too, I'd love to strengthen our journey in Christ together, we are so compatible and you understand me for me. I love you so much and these are all of my wants; however I already have them all with you. I love you forever."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Broken yet peaceful

I am broken, I have no idea which road to take which option is my answer....

but God has given me peace, I know He is with me and guiding me along my decisions, my path, that I will take. I know He will not leave me, will always be there to talk to, and will hold me when I cry...

The other night of the phone my mom said, "Hannah instead of focus on what you may not or won't have focus on what you do have, think about Harrison."

Well, although Harrison is and has been a huge support, I have and will always have my heavenly Father. No matter how far I may stray, how bad I may hurt him, how lost and broken I am, I have a friend in my sweet sweet Jesus....

and that my friends gives me perfect peace.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Second best...

I have never been so hurt in my life. I have never felt a sharper knife in my back than that of the one that is in there now.

But I guess I always have been second best for some reason always put on the back burner.....

you have to lay in the bed you made and I have to lay in mine...

but the next time you're owed money or chewed out for no reason remember I gave you an out....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a New Year

So I was inspired by my wonderful roommate to kind of do a blog rehasing the whole last year...

Last Winter, a kiss from lizzie brought in 2010. My birthday was a celebration as I escaped the teens and entered in to a new stage and then became four teeth less wise. The month was very anticlimatic but that seems to be a good thing these days...

The month of love. Valentine's day date with my parents' nothing could be better than that at the time. Relationships begin growing thanks to alpha delta pi. John Mayer playing his guitar especially for me.

Spring Break: sleep, friends from home, and relaxation...Alpha Delta Pi dominating air bands and taking the title! Exciting month!

Losing my dear sweet aunt, who fought cancer for three long, hard years. Not being warned of this loss, shock, devastation, brokenness over a loss that should not have happened so soon. The sting of death...

Rockbridge defined the month of May. The best experience of my life by far. Meeting with God, growing closer with him, being challenged by him, growing closer with my friends in Christ, forming relationships with people I never spoke to before this week...

Summer months, moving into my first "big girl" apartment, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, bridal party cookouts, dancing in my driveway and in the apartment, so you think you can dance, July 6--a day I will also be grateful for

August, the wedding of my first friend to marry the love of her life, beginning a relationship---scary, exciting, crazy, the start of my junior year, IV leadership retreat, meeting the girls in my small group that I have grown to love

Fall enters, I realize i'm in love, mallard ball, the death of my sweet pawsie...85 years of life, a servant to his country, a father, a grandfather, great grandfather, and great great grandfather, loss but comfort in knowing he is home

Halloween, the love square, the fair, fun times with friends and the boyfriend, a month of rebuilding after a loss, coming to terms with the loss

Guy's Night...planning since July the big Night arrived, no problems no misups just a group of 20 happy guys from Intervarsity, first thanksgiving with harrison, lexie saying my name, lizzie not running when harrison walks through my front door

Exams, beasting the semester, friends graduating and getting jobs, rest, sickness, love, Christmas cheer with no drama or arguments or fights, Christmas Eve with his family, seeing myself with him forever...

But it's a New year now, time for new adventures, new trials, new mountains to climb, new things to celebrate, here's to 2011....let's make this year mean something...