
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


When looking up the definition of success from the following popped up:

1. the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like

When looking at these I have to wonder does the first definition necessarily mean the second definition? I was reading through a few blogs this morning to pass the time at work (so far 40 minutes has been passes only 4 hours and 20 min to go!) and I found a blog that stated the following:

As we're washing dishes, cooking, folding clothes, writing papers, taking tests (all of which I do plenty of), we shouldn't be thinking "God, I will do something great for you, if you'll just give me something great to do." We so often take the world's definitions of "success" and "accomplishment" instead of God's perspective. Often times it is those small, everyday things that equal greatness in God's eyes. This is quite mind-boggling to me, since I have pretty much been an over-achiever my whole life. This is not something that I am proud of, because it often means that I put my achievements over and above Christ. To even think that my calling in life might be something that I find very plain and ordinary shakes me up a little bit. Especially as a college student, I'm surrounded by "be all that you can be" and "aim for success" (which, translated, means make lots of money). "

I can totally relate to this person, I mean when I was in high school success to me meant graduating at the top of my class in order to go to a top notch school get a degree go to med school become a doctor and make big bucks. However, since being here I know God has no calling for me in the medical field (when my two roommates talk about their shadowing experiences I at least cringe once in every conversation when the words blood or needles come up) and I know God has no calling for me in the business world (not peopley enough, and when you are interacting with people I feel like it's just to butter them up to get something). This has left me with the following two careers: broadcasting, non profit work. Now i'm hoping I can do both. Help out the world: the poor, needy, abused, abandoned, lost by means of my amazing broadcasting career. However, God could very well have it in his plan for me to do full time social work (my mom would cringe if she read this). Her whole reasoning for sending me to Wake was in order for me to get a high paying successful job- you get what you pay for right? But I recently have come to realize that whatever God has in store for me is much greater than that...He has allowed me the opportunity to go to this school that will put me in a grand canyon of debt (got that from Katy) but at the same time, I do not think he would have blessed me with this opportunity and somewhat burden if it wasn't in his plan for me, i'm here for a reason---not to get a multi million dollar paying job necessarily, I don't know what it is to be quite honest but i'm here so I just need to be patient and let God reveal his perfect plan for me and my's far greater than what I can even imagine i'm sure....

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