
Thursday, June 24, 2010


Yesterday I was directed toward the blog of a family of a little girl who had just lost a battle to cancer. I think she was six or seven years old. I always find these stories hard to swallow, yet they always seem so far from me. That won't happen to anyone I know. Recently a little boy in my life had the exact same symptoms as this little girl, and his parents were told he in fact did have bone cancer. Thank goodness this was a misdiagnosis and all he had was a staph infection, but it hit me as I was reading her story that it could have very well been him. I am so relieved that it was not. He is probably one of my favorite people in the world. He holds no reservations and is hilarious. Yesterday as I was spending time with him playing the wii watching disney channel and listening to him read captain underpants to me I was overcome with thankfulness for the blessing God gave him. I can't imagine if the news would have been the other way around.

Another health scare i've faced recently is that my Nana is in the hospital for a bowel (idk how to spell it) obstruction. This has been very scary for my family as she is a ten year transplant survivor (11 this Christmas!). Recently I have been reminded of how we nearly lost her then. I was in fourth grade so I didn't really get to see her at her worst, but I knew it was bad due to the mere fact that my parents literally lived at the hospital at Chapel Hill for about a month and a half. I stayed with my memaw during this time. I thought about how much stuff she would have missed. Elementary, middle and high school graduation, my college plans, Christmas', numerous dance recitals, births etc. I am so grateful that God allowed her to overcome her sickness and provided her with a liver (that was clearly pretty healthy due to the fact that she's still kicking). I hope she does not have to have surgery for this latest set back, but i'm grateful for the reminder of how lucky I am and my family is to have her around.

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